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International students: how to get into a school in France (visa...)

Written by ESDES | May 18, 2024 8:40:00 AM

Cannya KOUAME, an international student in the Bachelor in Business program at Esdes, looks back on her journey to obtain a student visa and complete the necessary steps to study in France.


Studying in France has always been a dream of mine. The administrative procedure proved to be quite complex, but Campus France gave us invaluable help. In this article, I share with you my experience and the steps that I, and many other international students, went through to make this dream come true.

Here are the point that we will look into today: 


Applying for a student visa

To study in France, international students must obtain a student visa. The first step is to apply to the French consulate in your country. Documents, such as a letter of admission from the French university or proof of sufficient financial means, are then required. Everything must be done to put the odds in your favor. In my experience, this has been quite stressful and intimidating.


The admission process

Before applying for a visa, you need to obtain a pre-registration certificate from the French university of your choice. Mine was the Esdes Business School on the campus of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy).

To obtain a pre-registration certificate, you need to submit your academic file, write a letter of motivation and take English language tests. These steps enable us to obtain the documents needed to apply for a visa.


How to obtain the documents needed for enrollment

Once you've been accepted at the university, you'll need to collect a number of documents to finalize your enrollment. Make sure you have all the documents you need, and that you have paid the registration fee (if required). This may include certified copies of previous diplomas, transcripts, photocopies of passports, and other specific documents required by the university. The information and documents required may vary from school to school.


Finding accommodation

Finding accommodation in France can be pretty tough, especially in large university towns like Lyon, as there are a lot of requests, especially during the back-to-school period. For my part, I had a place at the Crous de Lyon, a proposal made by my university's housing department, but it is possible to find accommodation on websites like Leboncoin or Se Loger, or in Facebook groups.


Taking out insurance

When it comes to insurance, you'll need to take out health insurance. All students are required to have one, to facilitate access to medical care during their stay in France. You can choose between private insurance or the French Social Security student scheme. Here too, your school's international department will be able to help you with the necessary formalities.

In conclusion, we can say that from applying for a visa to finding accommodation, each stage has been marked by challenges, but also by moments of excitement and satisfaction. It's fair to say that coming to study in France has been an enriching experience despite the challenges, opening the way to new opportunities and unparalleled personal development.