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Preparing myself to join a Business School

Written by ESDES | Apr 17, 2024 8:46:00 AM

You've made up your mind: you want to join a business school! Now it's time to get started. Problem: you're not quite sure how to go about it... How do you find the right business school? What do you need to do to prepare your application? And once you've done that, what do you need to know before taking your first steps in business school?

We'll help you make sense of it all and prepare for your first day at business school!


Finding the right business school

The first step in preparing to enter business school is to identify the business schools that match your goals and expectations. To do this, you first need to determine the right criteria. To help you do this, take a look at our article on the subject, in which we give you 5 criteria to consider when choosing your business school.

Once you've drawn up a list of the business schools that interest you, find out more about them. Gather as much information as you can about programs, scholarships, expatriate opportunities, work-study programs, prices... This will help you narrow down your choice and opt for the courses that best suit you.

Finally, once you've got a clearer idea of the schools and courses you're most interested in, take part in open days if you can, participate in the webinars they offer or try to contact them to ask all your questions! That way, you will be able to gather invaluable information to help you prepare for the entrance exam or get your year off to the best possible start.


Preparing your business school application

You've made a list of the business schools that interest you, gathered the information you need? Perfect! Now let's move on to the next step: Preparing your application.

Here, the details may vary depending on the school and program you wish to enter, but generally speaking, you'll need a CV and prepare for the selection tests (entrance exams, interviews, English test...).


Gather all the documents you need to apply

The first thing to do is to make sure you have all the documents you need. In most cases, you will be asked for at least :

  • Your diplomas
  • A curriculum vitae/résumé
  • A letter of motivation
  • Proof of identity


Building your résumé to get into business school

On the résumé side, what business schools want from you is to understand who you are, what your background is and, consequently, whether your profile matches the course you've applied for. Don't worry, just highlight the experiences (summer jobs, voluntary work...) that seem most relevant to you, and quickly explain what your role was during them. You can also include your interests and hobbies, for example. Above all, don't overlook your soft skills (initiative, autonomy, organization...). These skills can make all the difference and are becoming increasingly important on CVs, so take advantage of them to stand out from the crowd!


Taking your first steps in business school

Your application has been accepted. Congratulations, you're on your way to the business school you've always wanted! Now it's time to take your first steps.

For this step, we have 2 pieces of advice.

The first is not to hesitate to get involved in the school's student and community life. Business schools are renowned for their dynamic student and community life, which can be a great asset in terms of integration and networking!
The second is more organizational. Generally speaking, you'll be given a lot of information during the first week of classes. So get out your diaries and make a note of key dates: mid-term exam weeks, internship dates, holidays, etc. This will ensure that you don't miss any of the important events in your life as a business school student.


Join Esdes Business School for your first year at a business school

Do you dream of going to a top business school in France? Why not join Esdes Business School! Member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, Esdes has shared campuses in Lyon and Annecy. The school is also unique in that it is based on the Anglo-Saxon model, and resides at the heart of a major university in Lyon: Catholic University of Lyon.

Esdes offers programs 100% taight in English and designed for international students. Indeed you can join the Bachelor in Business - International Track,a 3-year program to learn the fundamentals of management and business, or enroll in the Master in Management Program, a 2-year program available after having completed your third year of a bachelor degree.

The school places a strong emphasis in welcoming international students. You can find all kind of support if you need help with your application, housing in France, health insurance and more! You can find this information here.